Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Breath Deep

Have any of you ever almost drowned before? At the moment you were kicking , fighting to keep your head above water thinking this was the end, what was your biggest fear? Was it death, or something else?

I have almost drowned before and when I think back it wasn't death that I was most afraid of, it was what taking that first breath of water into my lungs was going to feel like. Was it going to be painful? Would death be instant or would it be slow and agonizing?

Isn't this how we all approach giving God control of our lives?

It's that intense moment as we sink just below the surface, exhausted, no longer having the strength to keep our head above water, lungs burning for a breath of air and crying out for mercy that we remember the promise that God makes to us. He says I AM the water of life, breathe me in.  

  As we read scripture God makes it very clear to us that He is in control of all things. He wants us to follow His will because He is the only one that truly knows what is best for us. When we try and keep control of our lives He will discipline us like the loving Father that He is, not because He is a cosmic killjoy, but because the love and plan He has for us is greater than we could image.

God is the creator of all things so why do we make Him small and think we can control our lives better than He can? Why do we have such a hard time trusting Him? God promises to provide for your needs, to give you strength, comfort, healing, love and life. All He asks for in return is that you believe and trust in Him.

The way I see it is there are two ways to trust God. We can stick our toes in and test the water or we can do a cannonball into the river of life. So take a deep breath, plug your nose and jump into the hands of God.

1 Timothy 6:17 As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.



  1. Love it, mang! Words I know I sure needed to read. I don't know how this is the first time I've read your blog before! Thanks for sending me a link :)


  2. Im glad that you liked it. You and Garrett should come over next week for dinner.

  3. Love it!!!! :) Even though I kinda read it with you, it was nice to re-read it again. Thanks for the wisdom!
