Tuesday, December 20, 2011

"God is the gift, that keeps on giving"

  This picture was posted on Face book by my wife about a week ago, and I'm not going to lie, it broke my heart and made me angry. Not because my Face book now had an image of starving African kids, or even the image of the women with their carts full of toys. It was because we live in a country of entitlement.

 Sure the past few years have been hard for a lot of us, but I still have a place to call home, food to eat, cars, entertainment, my family and my God. To some in this world they have none of that. The kids in the picture, go days, maybe weeks without food. They sleep in huts with dirt floors the size of a single car garage. They walk for miles to get water, water we wouldn't dare drink (Enjoy that bottled water you have in your hands). Some of them have been abandoned by their parents, or worse yet their parents are dead. Through all of this, they're some that haven't even heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have no hope and nothing to hold on to. Can you imagine living a life like that, with zero hope for a better world?

 But still we complain about our jobs, and the fact that we can't get the new XBOX. We are teaching our kids the wrong meaning of Christmas. I believe that it is time to step up and break this chain of entitlement and suffering.

 The fact is that we celebrate Christmas because God gave us a gift. He gave us His Son as a Savior, and then keeps on giving. We celebrate Christmas because little 8lb 7oz ( weight is approximate because I have no way of knowing) baby Jesus was born in a cattle stall to save us.

God gave us His Son.

God sent His Son to live the perfect life, that we are incapable of living.

God gave us the perfect sacrifice of Jesus to pay the enormous debt that we owed.

God then gave us Jesus' righteousness to replace our brokenness.

God gives us life, where before there was only death.

God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit and salvation, now sealed within our hearts, never to be taken away. (God is no Indian giver)

God gives us strength, wisdom and power, that before we could have only imagined.

God gives us a promise that He will come back one day to right all wrongs, destroy all evil, take away all sorrow, hunger, addictions, afflictions and to make the world as it ought to be, PERFECT.


How's that for a Christmas gift? Makes the XBOX pale in comparison doesn't it?

 So this Christmas share the real Christmas story with your children, hug them, praise God for the blessings that He has given you and keeps on giving you. Give away some of those blessings to help the ones that have none. Above all share with someone the hope and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


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