Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why I decided to start a blog.

 Hello all. Embark with me if you will on a new adventure.

  I have decided to start a blog for two reasons.

 For about 6 months I have been working as a Graphic Designer/Web Developer for a small marketing company here in Reno. There is a lot more to advertising and marketing then I ever could have imagined. Most of the time I create graphics to be placed into websites or into printed materials, but Social Media is the new frontier and I need to get on that bus or it's going to leave me standing at the curb. I have learned how to use Face book, Twitter, YouTube for the purpose of marketing, but blogging has been a road, until now I dared not venture down.

 That is about to change. I learn but doing so what better way to learn about the blogging universe then starting one of my own.

 Also as I walk with Christ in my Christian life, God revels new things to me. There are many times that he flicks that switch in my brain and my eyes are opened to new truths. Every time He does that I get excited and want to share those with the world. I started but thinking that I'll Tweet it, or put it as my Face book status. Unfortunately my brain always works in more than 140 or 320 characters, so I just started to write them down.

  I will make those truths reveled to me as subjects of my blog.

 So get in, sit down and fasten your seat belt, my brain is often unpredictable and unfiltered, it's going to be a wild ride.


1 comment:

  1. I'm stoked!!!! Your brain is crazy so this should be fun!
